This book, If God was a Banker, essentially talks about the corporate career of two individuals who graduated from top business schools of the country. Though both of them bagged a job with a reputed global bank. The two individuals are very different in terms of their way of working, behavior and personal aspirations.
Story takes on interesting turns and twists and shows how personal and corporate life get entwined and create moments of joy and sorrow. Events which might seem insignificant to one may be of great deal to the other. Story illustrates how being ambitious might mean different to different people.
Book also explains the much debated concept of Business Ethics in today’s world. I believe that Ethics is a relative term and that is what makes it so sensitive.
I have developed a simple framework to help oneself in ethical dilemmas:
- Look for possible options you have for dealing with the given problem
- Identify the consequences of each outcome
- Find more options/solutions
- Eliminate ones which conflict values of the organization, team and self in that order
- Reduce the conflict via discussions with involved parties; discuss other alternatives also with them
- Implement the final solution
- Measure the effects of that solution in short term and long term
This simple model can be abbreviated as LIFERIM. We will discuss it in detail in some other post.
Go ahead and give yourself time to relax and go through this easy going book, an average reader should be able to finish this book in 7-8 sittings.